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Monday, November 26, 2012< ^ >
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[15:51:39] Chatroom is created
[15:51:40] Chatroom is started
[15:51:40] smsg joins the room
Room Configuration
[15:51:40] Chatroom configuration modified
[15:52:05] 45...1326 joins the room
[15:52:37] <45...1326> 45...6408: Adventure cph92  
[15:53:09] <45...1326> 45...6408: Go walking and find a large, hard object and carry it in your hand.
[15:53:19] jonas joins the room
[15:53:31] <45...1326> 45...7191: Adventure cph55
[15:53:52] <45...1326> 45...7191: Wriggle your toes.
[15:54:13] <45...1326> 45...7191: Move your eyebrows.
[15:54:39] <45...1326> 45...7191: Scratch your head.
[15:55:00] <45...1326> 45...7191: Move your weight from one foot to the other.  
And start walking. Take any direction you want.
[15:55:11] <45...1326> 45...6408: You are doing well.
Now once you have the hard object, or something alike turn down the next side street.
[15:55:26] <45...1326> 45...7191: the smell of the street
[15:56:02] <45...1326> 45...7191: the smell of cars
[15:56:38] <45...1326> 45...7191: the smell of a person
[15:56:42] <45...1326> 45...6408: Slow down. Breathe.
Now spot a parked car.
[15:56:50] <45...1326> 45...2223: Welcome. We have everything you need.  Please come inside.
[15:57:14] <45...1326> 45...7191: the smell of another person
[15:57:21] <45...1326> 45...2223: Lets visit the milk
[15:57:23] <45...1326> 45...6408: Ok!
Now you have to be quick. Look up and down the street.
[15:57:36] <45...1326> 45...7191: the smell of a shop
[15:57:44] <45...1326> 45...6408: Smash the window of the car and open the door.
[15:58:02] <45...1326> 45...7191: the smell of the sidewalk
[15:58:05] <45...1326> 45...6408: Take out any interesting books.
[15:58:23] <45...1326> 45...7191: the smell of you here
[15:58:26] <45...1326> 45...6408: RUN!!
[15:58:42] <45...1326> 45...2223: Lets visit the pigs.
[15:58:47] <45...1326> 45...6408: Look back over your shoulder.
[15:58:49] <45...1326> 45...7191: the smell of you gone
[15:59:08] <45...1326> 45...6408: Well done.
You deserve a break.
Now there is a pause for 3 minutes to catch your breath.
[15:59:20] <45...1326> 45...7191: End of adventure cph55
[15:59:23] <45...1326> 45...2223: Choose a nice piece of pig.
[16:00:04] <45...1326> 45...2223: Lets take the pig for a walk
[16:00:35] <45...1326> 45...2223: -through the frozen fields
-through the canned fields
-through the vegetables fields
[16:01:46] <45...1326> 45...2223: A pig's heart can be transplanted to a human body.
Now lets shop some more.
-Olive oil
[16:02:09] <45...1326> 45...6408: Hello again. Do you see that person coming towards you?
[16:02:35] <45...1326> 45...6408: Could it be someone of your family?
[16:02:56] <45...1326> 45...6408: Your brother
Future boyfriend
[16:02:57] <45...1326> 45...2223: Get ready to leave the supermarket.
Do you want to take your pig home?
It is yours if you pay for it.
[16:03:29] <45...1326> 45...2223: We hope you had an enjoyable stay in our supermarket.
Now exit.
[16:03:58] <45...1326> 45...6408: Find a wall or something stable to lean your back against.
[16:04:34] <45...1326> 45...6408: Slide down if you can.
[16:04:55] <45...1326> 45...6408: Your hand!
Look at it.
[16:05:16] <45...1326> 45...6408: Turn your palm upwards.
[16:05:37] <45...1326> 45...6408: Stretch your fingers a little.
[16:05:58] <45...1326> 45...6408: Extend your arm forward.
Look out.
[16:06:30] <45...1326> 45...6408: End of adventure cph92
[16:06:30] <45...1326> 45...2223: Now you arrived at ACT 44: The Rhythm. Lets go for a walk.
[16:06:56] <45...1326> 45...2223: walk looking down at your feet.
[16:07:42] <45...1326> 45...2223: hear any rhythm?
[16:08:28] <45...1326> 45...2223: find a place to sit- anywhere. Sit down and cross your legs.
[16:09:25] <45...1326> 45...2223: hear any rhythm? flip or circle your foot to the rhythm- still looking down.
[16:10:11] <45...1326> 45...2223: nod your head slightly.
[16:10:47] <45...1326> 45...2223: look up start smiling.
[16:11:33] <45...1326> 45...2223: go where your feet want to take you.
[16:11:55] <45...1326> 45...2223: End of adventure cph99
[16:13:21] <45...1326> 45...7191: Adventure cph92  
[16:13:50] <45...1326> 45...2223: zurich92?
Let's catch up on this... You try start an adventure? Then check spelling and send sms code once more (hint: it's a single word).
[16:13:52] <45...1326> 45...7191: Go walking and find a large, hard object and carry it in your hand.
[16:14:14] <45...1326> 45...2223: Adventure cph92  
[16:14:45] <45...1326> 45...2223: Go walking and find a large, hard object and carry it in your hand.
[16:15:53] <45...1326> 45...7191: You are doing well.
Now once you have the hard object, or something alike turn down the next side street.
[16:16:46] <45...1326> 45...2223: You are doing well.
Now once you have the hard object, or something alike turn down the next side street.
[16:17:24] <45...1326> 45...7191: Slow down. Breathe.
Now spot a parked car.
[16:18:05] <45...1326> 45...7191: Ok!
Now you have to be quick. Look up and down the street.
[16:18:17] <45...1326> 45...2223: Slow down. Breathe.
Now spot a parked car.
[16:18:26] <45...1326> 45...7191: Smash the window of the car and open the door.
[16:18:47] <45...1326> 45...7191: Take out any interesting books.
[16:18:58] <45...1326> 45...2223: Ok!
Now you have to be quick. Look up and down the street.
[16:19:08] <45...1326> 45...7191: RUN!!
[16:19:19] <45...1326> 45...2223: Smash the window of the car and open the door.
[16:19:29] <45...1326> 45...7191: Look back over your shoulder.
[16:19:40] <45...1326> 45...2223: Take out any interesting books.
[16:19:51] <45...1326> 45...7191: Well done.
You deserve a break.
Now there is a pause for 3 minutes to catch your breath.
[16:20:01] <45...1326> 45...2223: RUN!!
[16:20:22] <45...1326> 45...2223: Look back over your shoulder.
[16:20:43] <45...1326> 45...2223: Well done.
You deserve a break.
Now there is a pause for 3 minutes to catch your breath.
[16:22:52] <45...1326> 45...7191: Hello again. Do you see that person coming towards you?
[16:23:18] <45...1326> 45...7191: Could it be someone of your family?
[16:23:39] <45...1326> 45...7191: Your brother
Future boyfriend
[16:23:44] <45...1326> 45...2223: Hello again. Do you see that person coming towards you?
[16:24:10] <45...1326> 45...2223: Could it be someone of your family?
[16:24:31] <45...1326> 45...2223: Your brother
Future boyfriend
[16:24:40] <45...1326> 45...7191: Find a wall or something stable to lean your back against.
[16:25:16] <45...1326> 45...7191: Slide down if you can.
[16:25:32] <45...1326> 45...2223: Find a wall or something stable to lean your back against.
[16:25:37] <45...1326> 45...7191: Your hand!
Look at it.
[16:25:58] <45...1326> 45...7191: Turn your palm upwards.
[16:26:08] <45...1326> 45...2223: Slide down if you can.
[16:26:19] <45...1326> 45...7191: Stretch your fingers a little.
[16:26:29] <45...1326> 45...2223: Your hand!
Look at it.
[16:26:40] <45...1326> 45...7191: Extend your arm forward.
Look out.
[16:26:51] <45...1326> 45...2223: Turn your palm upwards.
[16:27:06] <45...1326> 45...6408: Adventure cph55
[16:27:11] <45...1326> 45...7191: End of adventure cph92
[16:27:12] <45...1326> 45...2223: Stretch your fingers a little.
[16:27:27] <45...1326> 45...6408: Wriggle your toes.
[16:27:33] <45...1326> 45...2223: Extend your arm forward.
Look out.
[16:27:49] <45...1326> 45...6408: Move your eyebrows.
[16:28:04] <45...1326> 45...2223: End of adventure cph92
[16:28:15] <45...1326> 45...6408: Scratch your head.
[16:28:36] <45...1326> 45...6408: Move your weight from one foot to the other.  
And start walking. Take any direction you want.
[16:29:02] <45...1326> 45...6408: the smell of the street
[16:29:38] <45...1326> 45...6408: the smell of cars
[16:30:14] <45...1326> 45...6408: the smell of a person
[16:30:19] <45...1326> 45...2223: Adventure cph55
[16:30:40] <45...1326> 45...2223: Wriggle your toes.
[16:30:50] <45...1326> 45...6408: the smell of another person
[16:31:01] <45...1326> 45...2223: Move your eyebrows.
[16:31:11] <45...1326> 45...6408: the smell of a shop
[16:31:28] <45...1326> 45...2223: Scratch your head.
[16:31:37] <45...1326> 45...6408: the smell of the sidewalk
[16:31:49] <45...1326> 45...2223: Move your weight from one foot to the other.  
And start walking. Take any direction you want.
[16:31:58] <45...1326> 45...6408: the smell of you here
[16:32:15] <45...1326> 45...2223: the smell of the street
[16:32:24] <45...1326> 45...6408: the smell of you gone
[16:32:51] <45...1326> 45...2223: the smell of cars
[16:32:55] <45...1326> 45...6408: End of adventure cph55
[16:33:27] <45...1326> 45...2223: the smell of a person
[16:34:03] <45...1326> 45...2223: the smell of another person
[16:34:24] <45...1326> 45...2223: the smell of a shop
[16:34:50] <45...1326> 45...2223: the smell of the sidewalk
[16:35:11] <45...1326> 45...2223: the smell of you here
[16:35:37] <45...1326> 45...2223: the smell of you gone
[16:36:08] <45...1326> 45...2223: End of adventure cph55
[16:37:21] <45...1326> 45...2223: Adventure cph37
[16:37:42] <45...1326> 45...2223: How many eyes are you looking at?
[16:38:18] <45...1326> 45...2223: How many eyes are looking at you?
[16:39:09] <45...1326> 45...2223: Lets walk.
[16:39:40] <45...1326> 45...2223: Can you see these persons over there?
[16:40:06] <45...1326> 45...2223: Did you notice the clothes of these persons?
under the cloth, skin.
[16:40:42] <45...1326> 45...2223: info:We get born with ca 90 cm2 of skin. First we reach out, then we sit , then we crawl, then we stand, then we walk. keep walking.
[16:41:13] <45...1326> 45...2223: Do we take a safe route, or a dangerous one?
[16:41:54] <45...1326> 45...2223: What is the history that we are creating, right now in this moment?
[16:42:55] <45...1326> 45...2223: Stop
stand still
completely still.
Between your feet and the ground, small, small spaces.
[16:43:36] <45...1326> 45...2223: samples of dirt
samples of small stones
samples of air particles
[16:44:03] <45...1326> 45...2223: The earth is turning and we move with it.
[16:44:34] <45...1326> 45...2223: an ocean of facts.
an ocean.
[16:45:05] <45...1326> 45...2223: What is dying?
[16:45:36] <45...1326> 45...2223: End of adventure cph37
[16:46:18] <45...1326> 45...2223: adventure cph16
[16:46:35] <45...1326> 45...2223: THE END
[16:46:56] <45...1326> 45...2223: You are just in time to be there.
Ready and alive.  
Scratch your head.
[16:47:22] <45...1326> 45...2223: This is the very first beginning.