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Monday, August 22, 2011< ^ >
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[01:18:45] jonas leaves the room
[01:20:31] jonas joins the room
[01:33:18] jonas leaves the room
[01:34:35] jonas joins the room
[02:42:22] [Doto VR] joins the room
[02:44:11] <[Doto VR]> hi jonas
[02:44:23] <jonas> hi
[02:45:25] <[Doto VR]> how are you?
[02:45:38] <jonas> I am tired :-)
[02:45:50] <jonas> it is 4:45 in the morning here
[02:45:58] <jonas> I have not been to bed yet
[02:47:10] <[Doto VR]> oh ... My place is at 9:46
[02:47:33] <jonas> :-)
[02:48:00] <jonas> better for me to talk later
[02:48:40] <[Doto VR]> ok
[02:50:14] <jonas> thanks
[03:44:28] jonas leaves the room
[04:45:26] [Doto VR] leaves the room
[04:53:53] [Doto VR] joins the room
[05:08:33] [Doto VR] leaves the room
[05:41:26] nagzilla leaves the room
[05:41:26] Chatroom is destroyed
[05:41:26] Chatroom is stopped
[05:41:42] Chatroom is created
[05:41:42] Chatroom is started
[05:41:42] nagzilla joins the room
[06:46:54] [Doto VR] joins the room
[06:47:35] [Doto VR] leaves the room
[08:00:04] [Doto VR] joins the room
[08:05:36] jonas joins the room
[08:14:02] stoejski joins the room
[08:14:08] <jonas> halløjski!
[08:14:10] <stoejski> heisan
[08:14:57] <stoejski> som det ser ud for mig er arkivet og nyhedssiden ikke i sync?
[08:15:43] <jonas> hvordan mener du?
[08:16:52] <stoejski> når jeg ser på denne side: http://draft.kobenhavnsdelebiler.dk/nyheder/20110817vanloese/
[08:17:19] siri@jones.dk joins the room
[08:17:20] <stoejski> er overskriften anderledes end på oversigten: http://draft.kobenhavnsdelebiler.dk/nyheder/
[08:18:24] <stoejski> men jeg ville bare spørge om metataget med datoen skal ind på de individuelle nyheder, fx: http://draft.kobenhavnsdelebiler.dk/nyheder/20110817vanloese/
[08:18:36] <jonas> Overskrift vises kun på nyhedens egen side
[08:19:00] <stoejski> og så mangler der vel en link fra oversigtssiden til de indivuelle nyheder
[08:19:11] <jonas> når en nyhed inkluderes på en anden side (forsiden eller en oversigt) så medtages overskriften ikke
[08:19:30] <jonas> hovsa
[08:19:37] <jonas> nu forstår jeg hvad du snakker om
[08:19:41] <jonas> der mangle jo noget!
[08:20:44] <siri@jones.dk> metadate skrives på modersiden for nyheden, ja.
[08:21:43] <jonas> ja
[08:22:10] <jonas> lige under overskrift
[08:24:23] <stoejski> okay, vi vil do
[08:25:53] <stoejski> og der kommer links?
[08:26:36] <jonas> jeps - arbejder på det lige nu
[08:27:03] <stoejski> næste spørgsmål: kloning af draft til det interne site
[08:27:10] <stoejski> er det tidskrævende?
[08:27:32] <jonas> nej, det skulle det ikke være
[08:27:58] <[Doto VR]> hi jonas
[08:28:08] <jonas> hi doto
[08:28:39] <jonas> [Doto VR]: sorry - I am in a middle of a meeting here.  Ok to talk in 30 minutes from now?
[08:29:19] <[Doto VR]> ok
[08:29:57] <jonas> [Doto VR]: thanks!
[08:33:05] <stoejski> jeg spørger med mine sædvanlige bagtanker, kan vi bikse en beta-udgave sammen til imorgen aften
[08:34:04] <jonas> jeg vil gerne prøve, men lancering af det normale site har førsteprioritet
[08:35:26] <jonas> har du en liste over sider der skal være på det interne site?
[08:35:42] <jonas> (har jeg måske fået den allerede?)
[08:43:13] <jonas> stoejski: ping
[08:43:30] <jonas> stoejski: nu fungerer nyheder!
[08:47:01] [Doto VR] leaves the room
[08:47:11] <stoejski> sorry, havde lige prob
[08:47:34] <stoejski> du har vist fået oversigt, men graver det lige frem, kan jo være vi har tilføjet
[08:48:17] <stoejski> Intern medlemsside          FAQ          Nyhedsbreve    Arkiv 2011     Arkiv 2010      Fra bestyrelsen          Om biler    Brugsanvisninger til biler     El-biler      Nyheder    nyeste      Vedtægter          Links    
[08:48:27] <stoejski> nå det gik ikke så godt, sender per mail
[08:48:34] <jonas> tak
[08:49:06] <jonas> og hvordan er det - der er ikke behov for at holde sitet hemmeligt, right?
[08:49:29] <jonas> det er blot at indholdet ikke er relevant for ikke-brugere, right?
[08:51:06] <stoejski> det er semihemmeligt
[08:51:23] <jonas> forklar
[08:51:43] <stoejski> vi behøver ikke gøre noget til at holde nogen ud, men sitet skal ikke komme på søgesider
[08:52:39] <jonas> ok, så putter jeg en robots.txt fil på
[08:52:56] <jonas> som pænt beder crawlers om at holde sig væk
[08:53:54] <jonas> stoejski: din godnatmusik fungerer også fint som godmorgenmusik
[08:53:59] jonas tester nu
[08:54:22] <jonas> det blev en lang nat igår
[08:54:38] <jonas> jeg har brug for en grundig opvåvni nu
[08:55:56] [Doto VR] joins the room
[08:56:06] <jonas> hi [Doto VR]!
[08:56:16] <[Doto VR]> hi jonas
[08:57:01] <jonas> my meeting partner, stoejski, went silent, so maybe the meeting is over now :-)
[08:57:41] <[Doto VR]> oh
[08:58:36] <jonas> no problem
[08:58:47] <jonas> ok to talk now
[08:58:58] siri@jones.dk leaves the room: offline
[08:59:19] <jonas> when stoejski comes back we can all talk :-)
[09:01:24] <[Doto VR]> I have a problem with the installer boxer
[09:01:41] <jonas> what is the problem?
[09:02:15] <[Doto VR]> what this wrong --->    # fixate eth0 - in case same rootfs is used across multiple plugs sync && /usr/bin/fakeroot -i'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -s'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -- touch /home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot/etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules touch: cannot touch `/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot/etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules': No such file or directory make[1]: *** [stamp-build] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/aclynx/boxer/multistrap' make: *** [stamp-build-multistrap] Error 2
[09:02:31] <jonas> ah
[09:02:39] <[Doto VR]> why
[09:04:01] <jonas> the routine to fixate eth0 needs to use a different path on Squeeze
[09:04:32] <jonas> boxer was only tested with unstable (Sid), you use stable (Squeeze)
[09:06:27] <[Doto VR]> so, what should I do now? to solve this problem!
[09:11:00] [Doto VR] leaves the room
[09:14:20] <jonas> oh, you left :-(
[09:14:26] <jonas> I solved the problem now!
[09:17:14] [Doto VR] joins the room
[09:18:05] <[Doto VR]> no
[09:18:29] <jonas> you need to update boxer:
[09:18:54] <jonas> git pull; git submodule update
[09:20:05] <[Doto VR]> ok
[09:20:37] <[Doto VR]> i am done this update
[09:21:09] <jonas> good
[09:29:13] <jonas> [Doto VR]: does it work now?
[09:31:10] <[Doto VR]> this again in the download process (make install)
[09:31:36] <jonas> ok
[09:32:20] <jonas> oh
[09:32:37] <jonas> we did not finish last time - you do not use proxy now
[09:33:33] <jonas> Try this:
[09:33:46] <jonas> source=http://localhost:9999/debian make install
[09:34:20] <jonas> first time takes long time, then it goes much faster
[09:37:34] <jonas> you can save some time with this command:
[09:39:12] <jonas> sudo approx-import targetroot/var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb
[09:39:42] <[Doto VR]> ok this done
[09:39:50] <jonas> but only if you interrupt now - I think boxer removes the downloaded *.deb files automatically
[09:40:04] <jonas> what is done?
[09:40:27] <[Doto VR]> download finish
[09:41:06] <[Doto VR]> but, this wrong again >>>  fixate eth* - in case same rootfs is used across multiple plugs sync && /usr/bin/fakeroot -i'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -s'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -- touch /home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot/etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules \         || sync && /usr/bin/fakeroot -i'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -s'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -- touch /home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules touch: cannot touch `/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot/etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules': No such file or directory sync && /usr/bin/fakeroot -i'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -s'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -- install -t '/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot' bin/install.sh touch stamp-build make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/aclynx/boxer/multistrap' touch stamp-build-multistrap sync && /usr/bin/fakeroot -i'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -s'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -- mkdir -p '/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot/lib/modules/' sync && /usr/bin/fakeroot -i'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -s'/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot.state' -- /usr/sbin/fcopy -BMr -v -s tweaks/files -t '/home/aclynx/boxer/targetroot' / /usr/bin/fakeroot: line 176: /usr/sbin/fcopy: No such file or directory make: *** [stamp-tweak-multistrap] Error 127
[09:43:32] <jonas> aptitude install fai-client
[09:44:45] <[Doto VR]> ok
[09:46:44] <[Doto VR]> this work
[09:47:10] <[Doto VR]> and what this ? ===  >  You may now copy the rootfs to the plug. touch finalize-later make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/aclynx/boxer/multistrap' touch stamp-finalize-multistrap Makefile:100: *** FIXME: install target not yet implemented.  Stop.
[09:47:54] <jonas> good, you reached the end!
[09:47:57] <jonas> :-D
[09:48:05] <[Doto VR]> ok
[09:48:10] <jonas> well
[09:49:10] <[Doto VR]> after reaching this stage, what do I do next
[09:49:57] <jonas> next step is to copy the result onto a boot device - for example a USB stick, that you then make bootable
[09:50:22] <jonas> that step depends very much on how you will use the system
[09:50:58] <jonas> boxer was first written to create a SheevaPlug for FreedomBox
[09:51:23] <jonas> but it can also be used to create other types of systems
[09:51:59] <[Doto VR]> ok, i like it
[09:52:02] <jonas> did you try use the new command I gave you, so that you use your approx proxy at localhost:9999 ?
[09:53:16] <[Doto VR]> yes, i am using approxy (http://cdn.debian.net/debian)
[09:53:47] <jonas> you cannot use a normal "cp" or "rsync" to copy the system you created now. This is because you created the system using fakeroot. I need to find the correct set of commands to copy from the fakeroot environment to a real environment
[09:54:34] <jonas> did you use this command?:
[09:54:44] <jonas> source=http://localhost:9999/debian make install
[09:54:58] <[Doto VR]> no
[09:55:06] <jonas> then you did not use approx :-(
[09:56:07] <jonas> try that command. First time it takes a long time to use it, but then try it again - second time it is much much faster because all your needed Debian packages are already in your approx proxy!
[09:56:52] <jonas> alternatively you can create a config.mk file
[09:57:09] <jonas> you can see the example config.mk.example how the syntax is
[09:58:19] <jonas> do not copy the config.mk.example but instead write your own config.mk file with only the lines that you understand and want
[09:59:57] <[Doto VR]> ok, but i don't understand
[10:01:04] <[Doto VR]> to create config.mk
[10:01:04] <jonas> what do you not understand?
[10:01:34] <jonas> you do not understand how to create config.mk?
[10:01:50] <[Doto VR]> yes
[10:03:01] <jonas> there are several ways to do that
[10:03:23] <jonas> you have a very small editor installed on your system called nano
[10:03:30] <jonas> try this command:
[10:03:39] <jonas> nano config.mk
[10:03:50] <[Doto VR]> ok
[10:04:02] <jonas> at the bottom there is hints about how to save and how to quit
[10:04:23] <jonas> nano is almost always available on a Debian system
[10:04:32] <[Doto VR]> oh yes
[10:05:11] <jonas> you can also create the file on the commandline by echo-ing content into a file location
[10:05:21] <jonas> like this command:
[10:05:45] <jonas> echo "source = http://localhost:9999/debian <http://localhost:9999/debian>" > config.mk
[10:06:11] <jonas> that command will create the file if it did not exist already, and overwrite any file that existed already
[10:06:39] <jonas> if you use >> instead of > then it will add to the end of the file if it existed already
[10:07:22] <jonas> you can also install more advanced editors, like vim or emacs
[10:07:29] <jonas> I don't like vim or emacs
[10:07:36] <jonas> I use Midnight Commander
[10:08:01] <jonas> do you know the Windows (or DOS) program called Norton Commander?
[10:08:22] <[Doto VR]> yes
[10:08:26] <jonas> good!
[10:08:32] <jonas> then do this
[10:08:37] <jonas> aptitude install mc
[10:08:57] <jonas> then start it with just this command:
[10:08:58] <jonas> mc
[10:09:08] <jonas> then you should feel at home :-D
[10:09:29] <jonas> Midnight Commander is inspired by Norton Commander - but has many many more features!!!
[10:10:13] <jonas> It also has a builtin editor
[10:10:35] <jonas> On Debian the builtin editor is disabled by default - instead it uses nano
[10:11:16] stoejski leaves the room
[10:11:19] <jonas> On my systems I always change the configuration to activate the builtin editor in Midnight Commander
[10:11:23] <[Doto VR]> oh
[10:12:26] <[Doto VR]> mc amazing
[10:13:12] <[Doto VR]> now, i using "source=http://localhost:9999/debian make install"
[10:14:00] <jonas> I always always always use mc :-)
[10:14:45] <jonas> some Linux geeks laugh at me because they think it is stupid to use mc
[10:14:56] <jonas> but mc is really really helpful to me
[10:14:58] <jonas> :-D
[10:16:21] <[Doto VR]> yes, it will help us in working
[10:17:59] <jonas> I am happy that you are also a fan of mc
[10:21:13] <[Doto VR]> ok jonas, saka must leave the chat for today. I'll see you tomorrow. bye
[10:21:31] <jonas> ok
[10:21:35] <jonas> see you later!
[10:21:48] <[Doto VR]> bye
[10:21:51] <jonas> bye!
[10:21:53] [Doto VR] leaves the room
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